Hey there! Thanks for checking out orange🟠! If you're interested in helping out, please ping Alexei or Topias in #general or #tech.

Welcome to project orange🟠 .

orange🟠 is 332's new ecosystem for web applications and Discord bots.

The orange🟠 stack

The ecosystem consists of many services, apps and modules that all work together to provide a good experience both for the user and the developers maintaining the project.

Currently*, the ecosystem is made up of 3 distinct modules:

orange🟠 Bot

orange🟠 CRS

orange🟠 Dash

* orange🟠 Bot is in active early development and orange🟠 Dash is a planned future module.

Some facts about the stack

orange🟠 CRS is the Code Runner Server that currently powers the legacy 332 bot's ./run command.

orange🟠 Bot is the new bot that will replace the current implementation of the 332 bot.

orange🟠 Dash is the future control panel of orange🟠 Bot.

Open source software

All components of orange🟠 are licensed under the 3-clause BSD open-source software license. (See opensource.org for more info.)


What is orange🟠 exactly?

orange🟠 is the name given to the new ecosystem of web apps, services and the new 332 Discord bot that is being developed.

Why is it called "orange🟠"?


Who is behind this?

The orange🟠 project was started by Alexei. The lead developer is Topias.

How do I help out?

If you're interested in helping out, please ping Alexei or Topias in #general or #tech and we'll discuss what you can do.

Where are orange🟠 services hosted?

orange🟠 CRS is currently hosted on DigitalOcean (London, UK) but will be migrated to Oracle Cloud (London, UK) in March 2024. Other services are not yet available.